Welcome to my YouTube Channel
Written by Suzanne Eder | August 8, 2024 |
Hello dear ones!
I’m writing this short blog post to announce the launch of my new YouTube channel (@SuzanneEderAuthor). I kept feeling an inner nudge to create a channel that wouldn’t go away, even though I found reasons to talk myself out of it. But if there’s something I’ve learned on this amazing journey of personal transformation, it’s to follow the lead of those creative impulses. So I did. And here’s why.
Many of us are experiencing significant shifts and changes in our lives and in our very state of being. We sense we’re at a tipping point of some kind, and we are. As more and more of us open to the glorious truth of who we are as uniquely precious expressions of One Source, the collective of human consciousness is elevated.
And from that elevation we move into unity consciousness, through which we can co-create a world of peace, joy, abundance, respect, and deeply fulfilling creative self-expression. Heaven on earth, you might say. Yes, it really is possible. And it’s happening now, moment by moment and breath by breath, every time any of us allows the Love that we are to govern our thoughts, feelings, words and choices.
I feel tremendously excited and blessed to be here at this pivotal time in the history of humanity. We are here as bringers and beacons of light, as uplifters, as teachers and guides, as wayshowers, as visionaries, as exemplars of what it means to live joyfully in Love, through Love, with Love and as Love.
That sounds pretty lofty, I know. Maybe even impractical or unattainable. But that’s only because we’ve been conditioned to see and know ourselves as separate from One Source, vulnerable and powerless, when just the opposite is true. If you’re reading this, you’ve no doubt been on a path of waking up more fully to who you really are for some time, which means that you’re dissolving the old conditioning and establishing a whole new perspective from which to perceive, experience and create. Together, we’re forming the tipping point that makes heaven on earth possible for all of humanity.
I can’t think of anything more enlivening or more important: we’re fulfilling our purpose for being here. And while that is tremendously exciting, it can also be challenging at times. Because so many of the patterns from separation consciousness are still active, we might sometimes get drawn into fear, worry, blame, condemnation, doubt or criticism, toward ourselves or others. We’re pretty good at not getting too far down those rabbit holes, but what if it could be easier to maintain our equanimity, our joy and our peace of mind?
I believe it can, and I want to be a stronger voice for that perspective. That’s why I’ve created a YouTube channel: to share perspectives, insights and information to help us navigate these intensely profound times with as much ease, grace and joy as possible. My first video is available now and I intend to post a new one every week.
The videos I’ve recorded so far are between four and fifteen minutes in length, so watching them won’t be time-consuming. But I hope it will be helpful. You deserve to feel inspired, comforted, uplifted and confident as you do your essential, precious and beautiful part in creating a New Earth that is everything we’ve longed for human experience to be.
Please take a few minutes to watch the first one, and if it resonates with you, be sure subscribe to the channel to receive notifications of new videos. And please share the videos with anyone you feel might benefit from them.
The channel will also feature short imagery videos produced by CGarnerfilms in association with @realreelsnfeels, which have voiceovers of uplifting mantras for you to enjoy. I hope you’ll take a peek at the first one.
Together we are creating waves of momentum toward a beautiful New Earth. Let’s get on those waves and enjoy the ride!