Don’t Give Your Power Away to Predictions


You’ve no doubt noticed that the momentum of humanity’s shift from separation consciousness to unity consciousness is increasing. Although we might, at times, experience this faster pace as turmoil, turbulence, instability or confusion, it also gives us the opportunity to experience ourselves as the vibrational masters we are. This is another way of saying that it gives us the opportunity to stand, fully and gloriously, in our power.

Right now, with the acceleration of energies as our awareness expands and consciousness elevates, we have more possibilities available to us. Perhaps better said, more of the infinite possibilities that already exist can become probabilities, or probable realities, for us. This means that we have greater access than ever before to states of being such as peace, joy, abundance, creativity, generosity, and so much more that we desire.

Of course, we also have greater access than ever before to intensely uncomfortable states of being such as fear, anxiety and anger. Being able to recognize when we may be tangled in a current of unhealthy emotional energy becomes of great importance, as is our willingness to pause in those moments and let the emotions pass without feeding into them. We benefit ourselves enormously by regularly taking the time we need to quiet our minds, come into our hearts, and open to the loving wisdom that resides there. 

We also benefit ourselves enormously by making lovingly deliberate choices about where to focus our energy and attention and what information to take in. You may have noticed that the proliferation of forecasts and predictions has also gained momentum during these uncertain times. Not only predictions of election results, but of all manner of world changes that may be in store for us.

There are a couple of key points to be made about predictions. First, they are sought out almost exclusively in separation consciousness. In separation consciousness, which is the realm of fear of the unknown, we seek to control external circumstances and, when we realize we cannot, we try to prepare for them. In either case, our orientation is the avoidance of something unwanted. We prioritize predictability over creativity and growth.

In unity consciousness, we feel “prepared” in every moment because we are operating in harmony with the very current of Life, itself.  We feel supported and guided, because we are. Knowing our oneness with Source, we know no lack or limitation of any kind.  We know we are whole and complete just as we are, yet ever growing into more. It is the growth that enlivens us.

We trust the unknown because we understand that, while specifics may not be known to us in any moment, they are always known by the timeless, endlessly wise and loving Source that orchestrates all outcomes. Living in the unknown gives us the exquisite opportunity to experience delightful surprises and surprising delights. Life is fresh, fluid and ever-changing in response to the synchronous movements of the Whole. 

Something else to be said about predictions is that, right now, they are becoming less and less reliable. Given the acceleration of rapidly changing probabilities, a prediction that might be valid in this moment can be rendered irrelevant in the next one.

Yet there is a deeper understanding that is available to us here, which is reflected in the title of this blog post. There is not a single, predictable “reality” that is happening to us. There are countless real experiences happening through each of us, which reflect the nature and quality of our consciousness. As we individually shift our quality of consciousness from separation and fear to unity and love, we literally change the probabilities of future outcomes in the collective. 

If we allow ourselves to become fearful of our future based on others’ predictions, we abdicate our innate power to stand in the Love that we are and radiate those powerful frequencies for the benefit of ourselves and everyone else.  We decrease the probabilities of futures we would love and increase the probabilities of futures we do not want.

We create the quality of our future in every Now moment. In any moment we choose consciously to center in peace, love, kindness and respect, we are increasing the momentum of those frequencies in our lives, and in the collectives of which we are a part. And it’s tremendously helpful to know that the power of Love frequencies is far greater than the power of fear-based frequencies, because Love is coherent with the Source all of creation. Fear is not. So we need not be a majority in terms of numbers of people to create and sustain the shift in consciousness that will generate peaceful, loving and joyful lived experiences.

Moment by moment and breath by breath, we are doing it. We are doing it! Let’s keep going. Let’s predict for ourselves a future that looks and feels like heaven on earth.


Copyright (c) 2024

Suzanne E. Eder




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  1. Mary on October 31, 2024 at 6:14 pm

    Thank you, Suzanne. Your message is so timely and helpful for me, particularly about predictions.

    Also, I’ve not heard this explained this way before, “…it’s tremendously helpful to know that the power of Love frequencies is far greater than the power of fear-based frequencies, because Love is coherent with the Source all of creation.” I knew that innately, but didn’t know exactly why it was true. How powerful, and beautifully said!

    • Suzanne Eder on November 1, 2024 at 2:44 pm

      Thank you so much, Mary! I’m glad this message was helpful and timely, and I really appreciate your taking the time to leave this wonderful comment. It’s funny, I almost didn’t include the line you highlighted, because the post was already longer than I’d intended it to be, and I didn’t want to make it longer by introducing a new concept that, if I fleshed it out, could make the post too long and cumbersome to read. But “something” told me to leave it in, that the sentence, itself, would convey the intended meaning. I love that it did that for you! Thank you again for commenting.

  2. Vicky on November 1, 2024 at 9:27 am

    Thank you, Suzanne. Your message is indeed timely and always such a loving reminder of the power of love not only to ground us, but to create that which we seek. I just loved the reminder not to give away our power to predictions! It was also so helpful to be reminded that fear and negativity seem amplified in response to the growing shift in transformation. Thank you for this and for all you do.

    • Suzanne Eder on November 1, 2024 at 2:48 pm

      Thank you so much, Vicky, for your gracious comment on this post. I’m so glad it resonated with you, and I truly appreciate your taking the time to read and comment. Love is, indeed, all around.

  3. Julie on November 1, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    Suzanne – you supported me, a little over a year ago, when I had a deep urge to stop engaging with social media and the news. It was the best thing I’ve ever done. I end up knowing some of the things happening in the world, but some I have no idea about. It’s rather amusing. But the reason I wanted to let it go, which turned out to be truly accurate, was that engaging with it made me anxious, depressed, and terrified. That energy took me over and took my power away – so I was not loving or fun to be around. By not engaging with the storytelling going on around me, I primarily stay in a loving place – and my focus is on loving everyone around me (physically and beyond). Being ‘in the know’ only drained me. Being ‘in the love’ only gives and expands. Love you! Julie

    • Suzanne Eder on November 1, 2024 at 2:58 pm

      SO simply and exquisitely said, Julie! “Being ‘in the know’ only drained me. Being ‘in the love’ only gives and expands.” It is so, so true. I learned years ago that the thought we used to beat ourselves up with – something along the lines of, “If I don’t stay informed, I’m just putting my head in the sand” – does not reflect the truth and power of our being as creators. That power is Love. Making a choice to remain anchored in Love is the opposite of putting our heads in the sand. It is an intentional and effective use of our creative power, because as energetic beings, what we focus on is what we get more of. This doesn’t mean we remain willfully ignorant, just that we choose mindfully and lovingly what we take in. There’s a huge difference between constructive and destructive observations of events.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read the post and offer your beautiful perspective. Love you, too!

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