Personal Mentoring

Experience the transformative power of private conversations with someone who knows you have what it takes to create a life you truly love.

Not just an ordinary life coach or counselor, Suzanne lives what she teaches. She takes you beyond life coaching to a whole new level of understanding your true creative power, sourced through your communion with the Divine (or God, Spirit, Source, the Universe – whatever you call the infinite, loving Intelligence that created this Universe and everything in it.)

Working with Suzanne is about waking up to who you really are and creating a life you love from that inspired and expanded place. It is transformative at the deepest levels.

Enjoyment - free happy woman enjoying sunset. Beautiful woman in a white dress embracing the golden sunshine glow of sunset with her arms outspread and face raised to the sky enjoying peace and serenity of nature

The Alchemy of Self Love

Suzanne’s signature approach to mentoring is grounded in what she calls the Alchemy of Self Love. This potent Love is not just about what you might think of as self-care, although it certainly includes that. True Self Love is an ongoing prayer and commitment to honor the truth of who you are through deep inner listening and the cultivation of genuine respect and compassion for yourself. Through the alchemy of Self Love…

You will learn that there is nothing wrong with you that needs to be fixed. You are learning and growing and deserve to be supported.

You will learn how to distinguish your true inner voice from all of the other voices within you that are clamoring for your attention.

You will learn that your longings are the most fundamental aspect of your inner guidance, and you will learn how to navigate through the fear, doubt and resistance that surface when you finally decide to heed their call.

You will learn how to respond in a healthy, empowering way to your negative emotions, harnessing them in service of your heart rather than suppressing them or projecting them on others.

You will learn that, as tempting as it is to blame circumstances or other people for what isn’t going well in your life, your true power to make positive change arises when you focus on You, not on them.

You will learn about the Pulse of Life – the ever-flowing creative waves of stasis…expansion…stasis…contraction – and how to ride them rather than resist them.

You will learn about the energy of your consciousness – the constellation of your intentions, beliefs, thoughts and emotions – and how shifts in your vibration create shifts in your world.

You will learn about the power of your word and how to speak to and about yourself with love.

You will learn how to support yourself rather than diminish yourself, how to explore your vulnerabilities rather than condemn yourself for them, and how to speak your truth.

You will learn how to say No when No is the most loving and respectful answer you can give.

You will learn to recognize, challenge and dismantle your limiting beliefs about who you are and what is possible.

You will learn to trust yourself and trust Life.

And you will learn how to be in the unknown without fear or resistance, because the unknown is the birthplace of the new.

The hallmarks of this learning and mentoring with Suzanne are:

  • A sense of personal empowerment and an enhanced ability to manifest what you truly want
  • Clarity
  • Peace of mind
  • Liberation from self-doubt
  • An expanded sense of possibility
  • The genuine, life-changing experience of true Self Love

These profound inner shifts are what make it possible for you to bring your dreams to life. Through private mentoring and coaching, Suzanne has successfully supported clients in creating a multitude of deeply satisfying outcomes, including:

  • Jumpstarting a new career as a published author
  • Bringing beloved projects to completion
  • Creating a high-impact documentary film
  • Developing and performing two brilliantly creative one-person shows
  • Starting a new heart-centered business
  • Resolving relationship challenges
  • Landing the perfect job
  • Finding the ideal home
  • Evolving a sole proprietorship into a deeply satisfying and highly prosperous partnership
  • Creating unprecedented outcomes at work in a large, bureaucratic organization

And much, much more.

What are you longing to create or experience in your life now? Are you ready to honor that longing?

How does mentoring with Suzanne work?

Private sessions are personalized, dynamic and focused – focused on what you want to create or experience, where you are in that process and how you can most easily make the shifts you want to make.

Mentoring is a process of inquiry, exploration and revelation. Suzanne will offer questions, insights and teachings to support you in recognizing, trusting and acting on your own inner wisdom. Together you will agree on the self-discovery practices and inspired actions for you to explore between sessions.

You may also email Suzanne between sessions if you have questions or need a quick dose of support through a challenging time. Clients greatly appreciate her thoughtful written responses, although if the question or challenge is such that she needs to spend more than about 30 minutes on her response, she will suggest talking about it in the next face-to-face session.

Each session is one hour in length and can be conducted in person, by phone or through Skype. Although there is no formula to predict how many sessions would be beneficial to you, most clients mentor with Suzanne for at least six sessions, spread over three or four months. Many clients continue working with her on a monthly basis because they love the ongoing support in staying true to themselves and their dreams.

“Suzanne Eder is an inspiration teacher and an extraordinary human being. She holds herself to the highest standards of thought and action. Suzanne is a fierce partner for your higher purpose and never waivers from that support while simultaneously maintaining an environment of total and unconditional self-love and support. She lifts the vibration of the room just by being in it.” – Deborah C.

Special note from Suzanne

Radiant one, you are meant to succeed in creating a life you love.

You are literally one-of-a-kind in this magnificent universe. And your special brand of brilliance is revealed through your longings. What you long to create, give, share and experience is an expression of who you are, so honoring what you want is the most essential way to honor yourself.

And contrary to what you may have been taught, honoring yourself is not selfish. It is the only way to liberate the innate creativity and generosity that uplifts everyone around you.

This is what it means to find your calling.

Yet honoring yourself and your longings may not come naturally to you…yet. Chances are, if you’re like so many others still grappling with how to create a life you love, you haven’t been taught how to nurture your dreams rather than diminish them.

You haven’t been encouraged to listen deeply within for guidance about next steps. You haven’t yet noticed that the voice you think is practical is really just scared. You haven’t been shown how to sift through all the myriad thoughts and experiences of your life and consciously choose to align with the ones that light you up.

I want to support you in learning all of that and more. I want you to know in your bones that you matter, and what you love matters.

I want you to see yourself through eyes of Love and to know yourself as an expression of Love. As the alchemy of Love works its magic within you, your life transforms from the inside out.

I want you to live the life you came here to live, because when you do that you come fully alive. And believe me, our world needs your sparkling, alive Presence.

And you deserve to be engaged with Life in a loving way, fulfilled and deeply at peace.

Are you ready to begin?

Email Suzanne at for more information about private mentoring and coaching or, if you feel in your heart that working with Suzanne is right for you, simply register below. You will receive an email from Suzanne after your payment is processed to schedule your first session.

Please note: New clients are asked to make an initial 3-session commitment. All three sessions must be scheduled within six months. Unused sessions after the six-month period cannot be refunded. After the first three sessions, additional appointments can be scheduled on an individual basis or in 3-session increments. You will receive an email from Suzanne after registering to schedule your first session.

Current rates are as follows:

$495 for initial three sessions (3-session packages are also available on an ongoing basis to secure the reduced rate.)

$185 per session thereafter (or you can continue to invest in subsequent 3-session packages for the reduced rate)

Your point of power is always Now. Perhaps now is your time to claim that power and put your life on a whole new trajectory.