The Awakening of Humanity
Suzanne’s YouTube channel focuses on the momentous shift in consciousness humanity is now experiencing, from separation consciousness through transformation consciousness to unity consciousness (which you may have heard referred to as the third, fourth and fifth levels of consciousness, respectively). Her heartfelt intention is to offer perspectives, insights and information to help navigate this profound yet intense shift with ease, grace and joy.
Embrace Your Creative Power
Trust the Innocence of Your Heartfelt Desires
You Are the Answer to Countless Prayers
Is Clearing Really Necessary? (Part 1 of 2)
Let Love Do Its Job
Embrace and Embody the Love That You Are
Your Sensitivity is a Powerful Gift
Our Time is Now
Let Life Make Choices for You
Vote with Your Consciousness
You Are Living Your Destiny
Vibration First, Foremost and Always (Channeled Message)
A New Take on Giving & Receiving
You Are Whole and Complete Just As You Are
Shifting From Manifestation to Realization - Part 3 (Channeled Message)
Shifting From Manifestation to Realization Part 2
Shifting From Manifestation to Realization Part 1
What You Want in Your Heart of Hearts is What Source Wants For You
The Importance of Suspending Judgment and Condemnation
You Are Endlessly Loved
Recognizing and Meeting the Unique Challenge of Navigating through Transformation Consciousness
Where You Are is Not Separate From or Less Than What You Want
Understanding the Dimensions of Consciousness
Your Joy is Your Powerful and Glorious Gift to the World
The Awakening of Humanity - Welcome to Who You Really Are