Energy Healing

Go deeper into an understanding of your energy-consciousness system and experience profound shifts in your well-being

Intentions, beliefs, memories, thoughts and emotions are not just labels for different aspects of our personal experience. They have an energetic reality to them that, while not perceivable through our usual five senses, can be sensed through subtler channels of perception.

As a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, a comprehensive and intense 4-year program in mind-body-spirit energy healing, Suzanne can perceive and interact with your energy-consciousness system to give you fresh personal insights and catalyze energetic shifts that lift your vibration, charge your energy field and bring your energy-consciousness system into greater balance and harmony.

As a complement to your personal mentoring with Suzanne or on its own, energy healing helps you get out of your head and into your body, your heart and your deepest Self. It might be an ideal form of support for you if…

…you are consciously on a path of personal growth and evolution and you want a deeper understanding and experience of the non-physical aspects of your Being.

…you are highly analytical and always try to “figure things out” but sometimes end up going in circles.

…you feel stuck in your ability to move forward or make change but don’t know why.

…you are experiencing difficulty in a personal relationship and want to experience greater peace and clarity with regard to that relationship.

…you are stressed or overtired and you want to recharge, to learn how you might be contributing to the imbalances you’re experiencing, and to shift them.

…you have a pattern of similar experiences or behaviors that are not good for you and you haven’t yet been able to dissolve it.

…you are experiencing physical discomfort and want to alter the underlying energetic imbalance associated with it.

The hallmarks of energy healing with Suzanne are:

  • Increased energy and vitality
  • Clarity about important aspects of your life
  • Feeling more grounded and at peace
  • Access to your own intuitive guidance and insights
  • Healthy emotional release
  • Relief from physical discomfort

Energy work is a beautiful way to support your commitment to meaningful self-care. It also reinforces your foundational intention to deeply know and love yourself.

How does energy healing with Suzanne work?

Sessions are generally one hour in length and can be conducted either in person or remotely, since we are all connected through a unified field of energy. Both types of sessions include time spent before the energy work to talk about what is going on in your life and the reason for the healing, and time after the energy work to share insights and shifts that occurred during the healing.

In-person energy healings are generally conducted with the client lying on a massage table, fully clothed except for shoes. Soft music is played to encourage relaxation.  This type of healing includes light touch on various parts of your body, which Suzanne will demonstrate to you ahead of time to be sure you are comfortable with it. Sometimes the energy work is done in a seated position and may include guided visualizations, depending on what would be most beneficial.

If you work with Suzanne in person, the healing may also be accompanied by a visit from her healing assistant Apollo, her beloved white cat! Cats are highly sensitive to energy and can generate very healing vibrations. Of course, if you are allergic to cats Apollo can be kept in a different room.

Remote healing sessions are initiated by a phone or Skype call. As with in-person sessions, time is spent before the healing to talk about what is going on in your life and the reason for the session. After that initial conversation the call is ended and you will be asked to lie down quietly in a place where you can rest without being disturbed. When the healing is complete, Suzanne will call you back for the post-healing conversation.

Energy work is generally very relaxing but it’s deep and it can sometimes stimulate the expression of strong emotions that need to be released. It should be scheduled such that, after the session, you can be alone and quiet for a while to allow the energetic changes to integrate into your mind-body-spirit system.

Might energy work be right for you, right now?

Email Suzanne at to get more information and find out if energy work is a good fit for you.

Current rates are as follows:

$160 for a single session

$425 for a three-session package (You can choose to have Private Mentoring sessions with Suzanne as part of this package.)